Our laboratory researches the giant-scale nanotechnology that enables us
to fabricate atomically controlled surfaces with the size of more than
several hundreds of millimeters. In recent years, nano-fabrication and
nano-measurement methods such as EEM (elastic emission machining), PCVM
(plasma chemical vaporization machining), UPW-ECM (ultrapure water electro-chemical
machining), CARE (catalyst referred etching), MSI (microstitching interferometry),
RADSI (relative-angle determinable stitching interferometry) were successfully
developed and actually applied to fabricating atomically smoothed semiconductor
wafers, high-performance electronic and optical devices, X-ray optical
devices, SR based X-ray microscopy system, and so on.
Such cutting-edge products or instruments contribute to the many scientific
fields including biology, medical and pharmaceutical sciences, semiconductor
device technology, and X-ray free electron laser optics etc. In educational
viewpoint, students study not only their intrinsic research themes in the
fields of nano-processing and nano-metrology, but also the additional themes
concerning to the other groups of the different research fields, with which
they are collaborating. The multi-major education is a unique system of
our laboratory automatically realized in our collaborative works with the
different groups. |